
Rebranded to Filmworkz in 2023, Digital Vision was a pioneer of Digital Video founded in Sweden in 1988. The company's founders had worked for Swedish Telecom's R&D lab on video compression algorithms and related technologies, and recognized the need for a high-quality grain and noise reducer for applications in broadcast and video post-production. Their work led to the Digital Video Noise Reducer - or DVNR appliance, which became an industry standard for grain and noise reduction in the 1990s. The product won numerous industry awards including a Technical Emmy in 1992.

The DVNR product line was expanded in the coming years to include a wider range of restoration and image processing tools. In 2005 the company acquired London-based Nucoda Ltd, and integrated that company's 20 years' heritage of engineering excellence in colour grading into a new range of software products. Today, the company's DVO (Digital Vision Optics) toolset lies at the heart of the Nucoda colour grading and Phoenix restoration applications.

The company's latest product offering, Loki, is a server-based batch processing platform that allows high-volume automated restoration, image processing and transcoding using the many of the same DVO algorithms available in Nucoda and Phoenix.

Filmworkz today is headquartered in London and continues to focus on providing the best tools in the market for colour grading and restoration.



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